F A Qs
"All of Life Comes to Me with Ease and Joy and Glory"
Access ConsiousnessAccess Bars®: Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the benefits of having a Bars® session?
- Does the Bars help with sleeping difficulties?
- How long is a Bars session?
- How many sessions should I have?
- What does a Bars session feel like?
- Can the Bars be done to staff in my office or at a conference?
1. What are the benefits of having a Bars® session? Below you will find just a few of the common benefits:
- People or situations that once drove you nuts and created great difficulty in your life suddenly no longer bothers you, and is not a problem anymore.
- Begin to receive everything easily.
- Deep relaxation, while revitalizing and energizing at the same time.
- More ease with every aspect of life.
- Changing everything that does not work in your life, into something that does without any effort; other than to lay there and have someone touch the 32 points on your head.
- Erasing what is creating limitations in your life without having to know how this works, or believe in it.
- Happiness. General depression vanishes for many after just one session.
- Grades, work performance and mental clarity increase without studying longer or working harder.
- Quicker recovery time with any old or new injury, surgery, disease and for overall health improvement.
2. Does the Bars® help with sleeping difficulties? Yes. The Bars can be very beneficial in changing a variety of sleeping difficulties. The results are different for each person, depending on what the difficulty is in the first place and how many times they have their Bars run.
Many people around the world have had phenomenal results in using The Bars to change their sleep into something more rejuvenating and restful regardless of the number of hours. Discover for yourself what the Bars can do for you by scheduling a private session.
3. How long is a Bars® session? There is no standard time for Running Bars®. The facilitator will follow
the energy and deliver only what you are happy to receive.
The average session, where all the points are run, is about 90 minutes however Bars can be done in as little as 20 minutes if you only want to work on one or two areas.
Children run faster as they usually have less resistance to receiving than adults.
There is no such thing as too long of a Bars session. For that matter, people have had results with only 5 minutes of having a single Bar run. Longer sessions such as 3 to 6 hours can often be dynamic, with life changing results. However having your Bars run more often, rather than for a longer period of time can be beneficial.
4. How many sessions should I have? Just one session can change your life for the better and many people choose to have a session once a week or at least once every three weeks.
It is totally up to you and depends on what you are looking for. How much more ease, joy and change would you like to have in your life? A little, a lot? All you can get? Once you try it out for yourself it will be very obvious to you what you would like.
5. What does a Bars® session feel like? Everyone is different so there is no “normal” Bars session. What is most often reported is that there is sense of complete relaxation and many people go to sleep – even in a very noisy environment. Some people have images come to them, others feel sensations in their body such as buzzing, tingling, warmth, twitches or shivers. Many people say the energy they felt was similar to the pleasure they get from being turned on. Emotionally, people have been known to cry or laugh out loud for no apparent reason and sense of peace and joy is often present at the end of a Bars session.
Every session will be different every time, even if you repeat with the same person running your Bars.
Remember you can always stop at any time, go longer in a session, take a break (including bathroom break), get a snack, ask questions, fall asleep or watch a movie. There is no special environment needed such as total silence to have your Bars run. It is all totally up to you.
6. Can the Bars® be done to staff in my office or at a conference? Absolutely yes. People in an office/business work setting have found great benefit in the work place for reducing stress, increasing productivity and general enthusiasm, problem solving, creativity with projects, improving team work and moral just to name a few things.
As there is no special equipment or environment needed to have your Bars run, the work place or conferences can benefit greatly by adding this service for staff, employees and employers.
Are you willing to receive?
Please contact me for scheduling, fees and any questions you may have about setting this up for you, your business or work place.